For the first time in decades, the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly is dealing with what the Speaker has ruled is a 'Prima Facie' breach of Privilege by Saskatchewan's Health Minister for telling the Official Opposition that he had consulted with the Privacy Commissioner on 4 separate occasions. The Privacy Commissioner recently wrote to all MLA's and advised that no such consultations had occurred.
"The NDP is alleging that Health Minister Don McMorris misled the public when he said the province's privacy watchdog was consulted about a controversial new plan to provide fundraising hospital foundations with the names of former patients.
But McMorris said that when he spoke of formal consultations, he was referring to the ones that took place between the health ministry and Information and Privacy Commissioner Gary Dickson between 2004 to 2007 under the previous NDP government.
McMorris said there was no need to seek Dickson's formal opinion again this year when the Saskatchewan Party government decided to proceed with the change to health privacy rules, because his opposition to the idea had already been made clear."
Regina Leader-Post
-CBC: Wall Government Misleads Public on Health Information Changes
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sask Health Minister Tells House He Consulted With Privacy Commish 4 Times - Commissioner Says 'No He Didn't'

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