
Friday, July 23, 2010

Are the FEDS still upset about AOL's sale of ICQ to Russia?

ICQ flower
In the spring of 2010, one of the largest instant messaging services in the world, ICQ, was purchased by "Digital Sky Technologies," the largest Internet investment company in Russia. AOL reportedly sold the instant messaging service to Digital Sky for $187 million. Recently, U.S. law enforcement officials have been making claims that the ICQ sale could effect homeland security if the services headquarters are located in Russia. Currently, it's headquarters are located In Israel. (the U.S. longtime friend and ally)

United States officials claim terrorist and criminals communicate through ICQ, therefore, constant access to the server is needed by U.S. intelligence services.

In response, Russian specialists stated: Russia will do its best to fight cyber crime and as long as all nations work together on the matter, the U.S. should have no need to worry.

Boris Kagarlitsky from the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements stated, “This is a traditional human rights concern which has to be taken very seriously.”

Needless to say, the deal has gone through and arguments concerning security and human rights linger. At this point, no information has been released concerning the federal authorities stance since the deal has gone through.

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