
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is the U.S. headed towards a food shortage?

Some experts are predicting a massive food shortage to come in the U.S.

Let's take a moment to look at a few recent news headlines:

1. Drought threatens global rice supply. (1)
2. Virginia farmers say heat taking toll on crops. (2)
3. Severe food shortage follows lack of rainfall in Syria. (3)

Now remember, these stories don't even take into account the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It seems to be clear where the U.S. markets currently headed, right to the bottom of the spill.

Let's take a look at the recent shifts in economics:

1. The dollar continues to fall. (it may go up on occasion but always falls back down within a week or two) (4)
2. The price of gold has skyrocketed. (it doesn't look it's going to fall either) (5)
3. The BP oil spill is going to cost our economy billions. (not to mention the loss of food and damage it will cause on the environment)
4. The unemployment rate is fairly high.
5. Unemployment benefits were cut by the government last week. (this will effect or a million citizens (6)

In 2008 when oil prices surged, so did the food price. Remember? Oil hit 147$ a barrel and the dollar dropped. Within a few months, food staples like rice practically tripled. The coming food shortage will be way more severe. Whether this scarcity is being manipulated to further control the population, or is an actual imbalance in supply and demand, is not important. The fact is, this reality is beginning to occur.

Now, on to the important part. You don’t have to be a crazy conspiracy theorist to believe storing food is a good idea. I mean, what if there actually was a food shortage? If you have a little extra cash on hand, why not buy some bulk food and storage supplies?
These recent food alerts seem to indicate food as the best short-term investment for the “Average Joe.” Don't let me tell you I told ya so.



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