
Monday, July 5, 2010

The History of "Mossad" (Israeli Intelligence)

Since the birth of Israel in 1948, the Nations Intelligence service known as "Mossad," has been shrouded in a veil of secrecy and violence.
Questioned for it's willingness to use extreme methods and cold-hearted ruthlessness, "Mossad" has been known to kidnap and assassinate enemies.
On May 14th, 1948 Israels statehood was proclaimed. The next day, Israel was invaded by it's neighbors. It took more than six months of fighting and 6,000 casualties before the states survival was assured. This led to the creation of Israels central institute for intelligence and special duties, (or Mossad) which replaced the Foreign ministries department. Soon after, the Mossad became synonymous with Israeli intelligence.

In 1956, the Mossad leaked a copy of a speech denouncing Stalin at the 20th communist party congress. They sent the speech to the CIA. The CIA was impressed, thus a close relationship began between the two agencies. By the early 1960's, Mossad had placed key agents in Egypt and Syria. One of the agent's, Wolfgang Lutz, infiltrated the upper reaches of Elite Egyptian society and gathered information on Egypt's armed forces. Another well known Mossad agent who infiltrated the Syrian government was Eli Cohen, the son of two Syrian Jews. Mossad devised the cover of a successful Beiruti businessman for Cohen and he successfully passed as an Arab. He began to move through influential and wealthy circles, leaking a complete plan of Syrian defenses and weapons inventories. Cohen was sentenced to a public hanging but not before giving Mossad all the information it needed on Syria.

By the beginning of the 1960's, Israel had a computer linked electronic warning system which rivaled the best in the world. This intelligence alone helped Israel defeat Egypt and Syria in the 6 day war. By this time, Israels intelligence agency (Mossad) had become known as one of the best intelligence agencies in the world. On May 11th, 1960, Mossad caught Adolf Eichmann (one of Hitlers top ranking officers who disappeared after ww2.) The Mossad continued its assassinations and aggressions towards Pakistan eliminating some of its most loved leaders. In the early 1970's, cracks begin to appear in Israels intelligence agency and political support declined due to Mossads torture methods in the Gaza Strip.

In the late 1980's, Israel launched the first of its of-ex satellites designed for high resolution surveillance. On the ground however, the middle east remained a war zone where Mossad continued its secret operations. Today, Israel is in a constant struggle with Pakistan over the Gaza strip and the Mossad still play a vital role.

If you would like to learn more, I highly suggest the link below which links to an article discussing the history of Khazarian Jews, Israel and Zionism. If you enjoyed the article, please leave a comment and subscribe.

Related Article:
Khazarian Jews


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