
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Top Medical Officials Urge Children to Cut Down Cell Phone Use

Youngsters are being urged to cut down on their cell phone use by top government officials due to health concerns, but are they solving the problem? Dr Tony Jewell, the chief medical officer for Wales is leading the campaign.

The city of Wales is handing out leaflets which outline the safety precautions children should take when using their cell phones.

The leaflet reads as follows:

1. "When you use a mobile phone to make calls it sends out radio signals close to your head."

2. "These signals are like those used to bring music to your radio and pictures to your TV."

3. "The longer you talk, the more time you are exposed to radio signals."

4. "Current research does not suggest that young people are especially sensitive to mobile phone signals."

5. "More research is needed, however, and we therefore recommend young people keep down their exposure to radio signals just in case a health concern is found in the future."

Today there are more than two billion cell phone users being exposed every day electromagnetic radiation, dangers regulators and the cell phone industry still refuse to admit exist. (as you can see in the leaflet, they claim no studies show prove cell phone use is harmful.) The cell phone industry is fully aware of these issues, yet the public is largely ignorant to the dangers of electro magnetic radiation.

John Jenkins, spokesman for the British Medical Association in Wales, welcomed the campaign saying "Although there is no current evidence of a direct link between mobile phone use by children and any health problems, we agree with the chief medical officer that it would be wise for children to limit their use."

Executive director John Cooke, stated: ‘We welcome these leaflets, which reiterate the advice from the World Health Organization that there is no need for any special precautions for the use of mobile phones for adults or children.

Why do they keep repeating this phrase "There is no direct link between cell phone use and health issue."

Yes there is. Here it is.

George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist who headed the first telecommunications industry backed studies into the dangers of cell phone use. Here were his findings.

How it works:

1. Cellular energy is used for protection rather than metabolism. Cell membranes harden, keeping nutrients out and waste products in.

2. Waste accumulating inside the cells creates higher concentrations of free radicals, leading to both disruption of DNA repair (micronuclei) and cellular dysfunction.

3. Unwanted cell death occurs, releasing the micronuclei from the disrupted DNA repair into the fluid between cells (interstitial fluid), where they are free to replicate and proliferate. This, says Dr. Carlo, is the most likely mechanism that contributes to cancer.

4. Damage occurs to proteins on the cell membrane, resulting in disruption of intercellular communication. When cells can’t communicate with each other, the result is impaired tissue, organ, and organism function. In the blood-brain barrier, for example, cells can’t keep dangerous chemicals from reaching the brain tissue, which results in damage.

Epidemic curve projections indicate that in 2006, we can expect to see 40,000 to 50,000 cases of brain and eye cancer. This is based on published studies which allow calculation of risk and construction of epidemic curves. By 2010, Dr. Carlo expects that number to rise between 400,000 and 500,000 new cases worldwide. Could electromagnetic radiation play a role? I believe it may. Do you?

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