
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sask Premier Wall Sure Picked A Bad Time To Abandon $800 Million in Equalization Payments From Ottawa

"While TD Bank had previously forecast 3.2% real GDP growth in 2010, the new forecast of 2.1% represents a one-third reduction, or 1.1 percentage points, off the earlier forecast. [...] But the 1.1-percentage point reduction drops Saskatchewan’s real economic growth forecast from the “middle of the pack’’ at 3.2% into last place among the provinces."
Financial Post

Saskatchewan is hurting economically at the moment because of two separate issues:
1) Massive flooding has severely impacted agriculture
2) The governing Sask Party told Ottawa to keep it's annual $800 Million Equalization obligation to Saskatchewan as an act of Right Wing ideological bravado

-The PROMISE to Saskatchewan that $tephen Harper BROKE

-$tephen Harper SCREWS Saskatchewan

-When Brad Wall Tells You That He Has No Money .. Ask Him Why He Abandoned $800 Million In Equalization Payments!

-Premier Wall Gets Testy With Reporters Over Dropped Equalization Court Challenge


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