Tuesday, August 31, 2010
10 Things We've Learned About The Jets From Hard Knocks So Far

Admit it, you may not love the Jets, but you’re loving this season of Hard Knocks.
The locker room access. Rex Ryan’s awful eating habits and worse language. Antonio Cromartie’s gaggle of kids. Darrelle Revis. HBO could put out an hour episode a day and still not cover everything surrounding this team. They’ve got more storylines than a mid-day soap opera.
Now three episodes in, we’re closer than ever to the start of the season. But what have we really learned about the Jets?
Here are 10 Things…
1. If Mark Sanchez Really Is The Difference Between The Jets Going To The Super Bowl Or Not, They Probably Shouldn’t Pack Their Bags Just Yet: Look, I’m not ragging on Sanchez here, if only because most quarterbacks take a step back in their second year in the league. There’s a reason Marty Schottenheimer said in Episode 2 “If you get a second year quarterback to perform at his rookie level, that’s when you know you’ve made progress.”
At the same time, is it just me, or does Sanchez seem kind of immature? You know, like when his quarterbacks coach came in and said, “You know what you’re almost ready to do,” and Sanchez replied, “Stop sucking.” Sorry Mark, but that was a little too “11-year-old girl who got a C on her reading test” for my taste. As his coach said, you’re an NFL quarterback Mark, time to start acting like it.
Regardless, this has been my biggest contention with the Jets all preseason, what do they do if Sanchez isn’t ready? It’s not like he lit the world on fire last year, and unless someone gives him a blow torch and some gasoline, I don’t think he’s going to do it in 2010 either.
Also, is this really a guy you can see keeping everyone calm when the going gets tough? Is he going to be able to keep Santonio Holmes, LT, Braylon Edwards and everybody else in line when they’re not getting touches? I’m not really sure he’s that guy yet. And until he is, the Jets aren’t going to the Super Bowl.
2. Speaking of Sanchez, His Backup Apparently Isn’t A Big Fan Either: Umm, it’s not that Mark Brunell is jealous, bitter or hostile toward his younger counterpart. If anything, he’s been a good mentor from what we’ve seen (“His don’t blame the arrow, blame the Indian,” speech was straight out of my grandma’s playbook from the 1940’s. All he needed was a bowl of tapioca pudding while saying it).
No Brunell’s beef is different, but actually just like yours or mine: Brunell isn’t a big fan of Sanchez for the simple fact that his 18-year-old daughter (Just five years younger than Sanchez), has the hots for the Jets starting QB. Brunell even went on the record a few episodes ago and told Sanchez, “You’re not meeting her.”
And quite honestly, who could blame Brunell? The NFL already has one gray-bearded, 40-year-old quarterback that recently became a first time grandfather, one Brett Favre. Brunell certainly doesn’t want to be No. 2.
3. The Most Surprisingly Compelling Character So Far Has Been Special Teams Coach Mike Westhoff: First off, the dude is a cancer survivor, which already makes him cooler than you or I. But beyond that, it’s Westhoff's, “I don’t care who the hell you are, if you can’t play get the hell off my football field,” Herman Boone approach to the game that makes him so fun to follow.
It’s also led to some killer one liner’s too. Here are a few of my favorites:
Westhoff on tight end Matt Mulligan’s excuse for his subpar play: “I don’t give a shit if you’ve got the triple f***ing Asian flu,” you’ve got to play better.
Westhoff on underachieving wide receiver David Clowney, “We’ve been talking about David Clowney’s potential since… I don’t know… When Bush was President.”
And finally his take on rookie cornerback Donovan Warren, “Donny, that was a good tackle you made in that drill. If you’d have played like that last year, maybe Michigan would’ve won some damn games!”
4. The Most Surprisingly Compelling Scene Of The Season Came At The Rookie Talent Show, Where Brian Jackson Won, “King Ugly”: What’s King Ugly, you ask? Well it’s a team vote on the three ugliest rookies in camp. Everyone donates a few bucks, and as Rex Ryan explained, “The third place winner gets 75 percent of the pot. The second place winner gets 25 percent. The first place winner gets nothing… because he’s so damn ugly he doesn’t deserve it.” Well then. (Also, don’t you wish we handed out “King Ugly,” Awards on every team, and in every league? Jorge Cantu would be working on his seventh straight MLB King Ugly Award right now.)
This year’s King Ugly competition took a surprising turn, when rookie offensive lineman Vladimir Duccasse was so ugly that he won both the second and third place prizes. (And believe me when I say, that dude is UGLY. If Shrek had a 6’5, 325 lb. brother who played in the NFL, it’d have definitely been Duccasse).
Meanwhile, the first prize went to cornerback Brian Jackson, not so much for his looks, but just simply because everybody on the team loathes him.
If you don’t believe me, check out the scene where the defensive veterans get pissed off at Jackson, tie him to the goal post, paste Icy Hot all over his body, then dump two buckets of Gatorade on his face. Funny scene. Unless you’re Jackson of course.
5. The Guy With The Coolest Name On The Team Has To Be…: 6’8 Defensive End Ropati Pitoitua. You thought I was going to say D’Brickishaw Ferguson, didn’t you?
6. LaDainian Tomlinson May Have Had The Most Unnecessarily Exuberant Touchdown Celebration I’ve Ever Seen: In Episode 2, when he jumped over the pile for a meaningless score, then slammed the ball down like he’d just clinched a Super Bowl win or something. Wow.
LT, my man, we get it. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder because of the way things ended in San Diego. We’re on your side. But it’s August 18, not December 18. You’re going against the second string in practice, not the first string of the Patriots. Deep breaths buddy, deep breaths.
Honestly, the whole scene reminded me of when one of my buddies ends an especially long dry spell, with an especially ugly girl, and acts like he just banged Scarlett Johansson. We know you’ve been there before. Act like it.
7. The Tony Dungy-Rex Ryan Controversy Is The Stupidest Storyline Of The Show: Look, I like Dungy. He’s a good man and a good family man from all accounts. He won a Super Bowl, which is obviously better than anything I’ll ever do in my life. But, the fact that he criticized Ryan for swearing too much on Hard Knocks, might be the single stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
As my high school football coach used to say, football isn’t a contact sport. It’s a collision sport. A game where guys recklessly throw their bodies into and through one another, for sixty minutes a week, four months a year.
So if Ryan needs to drop a few F-Bombs to get his point across, is it really that big of a deal? This is a profession where guys are paid to inflict pain on their opponents. Where broken bones and torn and ACL’s are hazards of the job. Where up until a few years ago, people treated concussions like paper cuts. In context, are a few F-Bombs that bad?
Besides, the show isn’t on ABC Family. It’s on HBO. If the language doesn’t please you Mr. Dungy, don’t watch. It’s really that simple. I'm on Rex's side on this one.
8. Joe McKnight Might Be The Least Likeable Guy On This Team: Or at least that’s how the producers of the show want us to think of him.
This guy puked in minicamp, failed a conditioning test, and really seems about as indifferent as a stoned 10th grader stuck in algebra class. Bart Scott even summed him up by saying that McKnight was frustrated because he was “Taking a pay cut,” by leaving USC for the Jets. Zing.
I suppose we probably should have known things were bad with McKnight when Santonio Holmes had to calm him down and become his voice of reason. When Santonio Holmes has to talk sense into you, that’s a pretty good sign that things aren’t going well.
9. Forget The Players, The Scariest Guy On The Jets Is Defensive Coordinator Mike Pettine: I mentioned it in my Episode 1 Recap, and I’ll say it again: This guy looks like he broke out of San Quentin two days before camp. Was he coaching in the California Penal League last year?
All I’m saying is this: If Pettine tries to trade one of his backup linebackers for a carton of cigarettes next episode, I’m alerting the authorities.
10. Antonio Cromartie Needs A Vasectomy: I’m not really going to touch too much on this. If only because everyone and their mother’s have already cracked wise on Cromartie, and I don’t feel the need to pile on the poor guy (Ok, that’s a lie. I’m just not going to get too much into it, because I’m a week late, and everyone’s already used up all the good jokes. Damn.).
On a serious note though, how dumb is this guy? What’s he got now, seven kids in five states? Eight kids in six? I can’t keep track, but then again neither can he.
Also, please Antonio, don’t try and tell us that the producers made you look bad. They didn’t. You’ve got eight kids with six women or whatever. You made you look bad! Instead of blaming others, shouldn’t you have started wearing a condom after your second or third kid…of 2007? How are the producers at fault, when you have worse safe sex habits than the entire cast of Teenage Mom?
On a separate note, after all Cromartie’s baby momma’s suck dry his NFL riches (my guess is that if the Jets do win the Super Bowl this year, we’ll be seeing Cromartie’s championship ring on eBay sometime in 2017), he could probably make a nice second career out of donating sperm.
Think about it, if you were a single woman in her 40’s desperately trying to have a kid, wouldn’t Cromartie be your go to guy? Wouldn’t you be tracking him down, wining and dining him, then handing him a six-year-old copy of Playboy and a plastic cup? Wouldn’t you simply go into your doctor’s office and pay whatever it took to get the “Cromartie Special?”
Maybe he should hold off on that vasectomy after all.
Be sure to follow Aaron on Twitter @Aaron_Torres
And to read all of his work, visit www.aarontorres-sports.com
The minute Canadians find out about Ignatieff's plan for a fall election, Liberal numbers will tumble!

-Liberals Get Ready To Bring Fall Federal Election
Cartoon by kind permission of
Graeme MacKay at mackaycartoons.net
Liberal Lemmings 2.0 - Iggy Not Afraid Of An Election!

Something happens to Mr. Ignatieff each year as summer ends. It is a bravado driven insanity that speaks to the core thinking of the Liberal Party and its misguided sense of entitlement to govern. Go Iggy Go!
-Globe & Mail
Cartoon by kind permission of
Graeme MacKay at mackaycartoons.net
Reasons Why The Liberal Party Of Canada Has Instructed Its Bloggers To Go Hard Against Layton - Liberal Lemmings 2.0

The Conservatives are stuck in the same quagmire and there is very little room to grow for both of these Right leaning political parties. The Bloc remains fixed in their Quebec stronghold and the NDP is challenged to find room to grow as well.
Welcome to Canadian politics - 2010. Like it or not, it is the will of the people that no one party is being given the blessing to form a majority government. Harper will not win a majority in the next campaign and neither will the Liberals.
Idiotically, the boo-bah's who run Liberal Inc. have decided that it is wise at this time to make another foray into New Democrat territory. Hence we see a fairly convoluted attempt to pin the possible demise of the gun registry onto Jack Layton.
Liberal strategists desperately hope to accomplish two goals with this. First is to leave the impression that Iggy is a strong leader, ready willing and able to whip his 8 MP's who previously voted to kill the Registry. Because it has never been the policy of the NDP to whip their Caucus on private member's bills, the Libs are trying to leave the impression that Layton is not as strong a leader as Iggy. So, with Layton consistently getting favorable ratings in the polls, the Lib brain trust feels that they must do something to pull him down and boost the Igster up.
The second goal of the current Liberal strategy is to try and win back some of the urban support that has leaked away to Layton since 2006. Rather than attack Harper (whom they fear), Liberals have decided to try and pound on the NDP. It is humorous to watch and will bear few, if any electoral results.
In fact, Liberal anxiety to climb back into the government benches may even see Iggy force an election this fall. Any move to do so will be as disastrous as last fall's attempt.
The Liberal Party of Canada may be preparing to launch 'Liberal Lemmings version 2.0 in the not too distant future! Stay tuned!
Mere minutes after publishing this post, the Globe & Mail put out a news item where Iggy welcomes a Federal Election this fall!!! .... told 'ya!!

Monday, August 30, 2010
And Now, Let's Get Awkward With 'Around The Horn' Talking About Jay Mariotti's Arrest

Actually, they didn't talk about Jay Mariotti's arrest or its consequences, but rather the media hoopla surrounding it. The transcript can be found here. My opinion is probably mostly in line with Richard Deitsch, who commends ATH for tackling the issue, but, next to ignoring it altogether, definitely did so in the safest way possible.
Shoddy video of the segment below:
Here's the part that I don't get about the Glenn Beck / Sarah Palin desire to return to a 'time' in American history that was more honourable.

Here's the part that I don't get about the Glenn Beck / Sarah Palin desire to return to a 'time' in American history that was 'more' honourable.
Are they talking about the time ..... :
-when Americans moved west massacring the Native Aboriginal people in the late 1700's and early to mid 1800's?
-when Black persons were held and sold as property (including slave owners such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson)?
-when the USA split into two warring nations (Confederate States and United States) and hundreds of thousands were killed in the bloody Civil War?
-when the USA contrived a phony crisis in order to seize Spanish holdings in the Western Hemisphere such as Puerto Rico?
-when the USA sat out most of World War One as the British and Canadians fought German and Austro-Hungarian imperialism?
-when the USA allowed child labour?
-when unfettered 'free markets' and corporate greed resulted in the Stock Market crash and global Great Depression?
-when the USA sat out much of World War 2 while Britain and Canada alone battled Nazi Germany?
-when the USA continued its apartheid policies of 'separate but equal' and official segregation well into the 1960's?
-when the USA entered into a disastrous war in southeast Asia that saw hundreds of thousands of innocent Vietnamese and Cambodian citizens killed not to mention all of the young Americans who died?
-when college kids such as those at Kent State were gunned down for daring to demand 'PEACE'!
-when political assassination became the American norm resulting in the killing of John F. Kennedy - Robert Kennedy - Martin Luther King?
-when the USA armed the Afghanistan Islamic militants against the Russians with weapons that are now being used to kill American, Canadian and British troops?
-when the USA fabricated claims of 'weapons of mass destruction' in order to have a reason to invade Iraq?
-when the single largest ongoing reason for personal bankruptcy continues to be inability to pay for medical bills?
I am simply curious. What is the 'more honourable' time in American history that Beck / Palin / and their mindless minions want to return to??? ... just asking!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
FAKE MIRACLE: Flying Dome of Mosque in Nepal

Please read
whole article here which explain what happening in that fake miracle
FAKE MIRACLE :: Flying Dome of Mosque in Nepal !
Assalam Alaykum,
Praise be to Allah swt,
Today i'm going to discuss about this claimed miracle associated to Allah SWT.
Thanks to Allah Swt for helping me,indeed all praise be to Allah,without his help,i was not able to do any thing.
Through the Internet we often receive an email that talks about 'evidence of Allah's greatness or miracle of Islam' or 'miracles of Allah' without any proof, Usually, the news are in the form of a surprising: the form of images or natural events that are 'strange' or unusual that muslims believe on it…
but before we trust on such pictures or contents …i want to ask you
1. Have we ever inquired or questioned the authenticity of such images when you recieve in email,or see in facebook pages/ gallery?What ever im going to say here is result of my research done for the claimed Miracle know as Dome Flying Mosque in Nepal.
2. Honestly, do we need to proof the truth of Islam or the greatness of Allah this way?
{My First View and Reason to do this}
I saw this video approx 1 yr before,but i ignored it…becoz it was not very popular,but today im exposing this becoz now this lie is spreading like a fire,among muslims,from desktop to mobile.Every where.There are many Brother and Sisters who believes on this video.and they are busy in sharing with others, without thinking twice What if this is FAKE?
They forgot that its unauthorized content,having no proof,
before sharing you must verify the info,if you are not doing,you will be held responsible in the court of Allah SWT for whatever you have said or done.
Unfortunately, many brother and sisters DO not care for this ,in order to save my brother and sisters from gaining bad deeds i'm exposing the facts of this claimed miracle! Since there is hadith which says
What ever i wish for my self,i must wish same for other brother and sisters,
I wish Jannah for my self,and want the same for others too…
My Belief on Miracles :
Please note that im fully aware of greatness of Allah Swt,i'm not here to challenge the power of ALLAH SWT .I also know that when ever Allah swt want to do any thing,
He the most High just have to say "be" and It is….
The Originator of the heavens and the earth, Allah Almighty, When He decreeth a thing, He says unto it only: Be! and it is. Surah Al-baqarah : 117There are many miracles,which generally peoples IGNORE.
Is not DNA a Miracle ?
Are the Sun and Moon not Miracles ?
Is not growth of Plant is Miracle..?
Is not DEATH is Miracle ?
IS not Firaun Dead Body is a Miracle ?
IS not Quran a Miracle ?
I truly and 100% beliefs in the Miracles of Allah SWT and His Greatness.
but i can't accept fake ,un authorised contents as his miracles .
here my motive is to bring truth in front of you and stop brothers and sisters for spreading wrong informations by which they are gaining sins with/without knowledge.
{ Different stories with this Video }
story 1
There was a new mosque or masjid in Malibu Island that was still under construction however had no crane to lift and transfer the dome from the old masjid to the new masjid.
So about 3000 alims gathered nearthe masjid to do zikirullah.
With ALLAH's help, the dome was lifted and trasferred by just their zikir.
It was also told that these alims had did fasting for 3 days and did qiyammulai for 3 nights prior to the dome lifting.
story 2
Incident took place in nepal where the local people were building a masjid. They were worried about the dome to be placed over the minaret as they dint had any crane facility so they decided to call for allah's help as they started to make dua and ask for help from allah the dome was placed on the minaret in a miraculous way. subhan allah
story 3
ALLAHU AKBAR! Yes it's miracle of "ALLAH". Happend in Nepal. Govt didnt allowed the crane for Mosque minar and said that `go and ask your ALLAH to help you. Allah helps muslim by putting gunbad on menar without any support, since, non muslims dont allow muslims to use crane to lift gunbad, so the imam of mosque saw our beloved prophet pbuh in dream who told him just cover the gunbad with white bed sheet and then see.
story 4
It was in Ternate, Indonesia, and the dome was about to be placed on top of a mosquetower, suddenly it flew by itself and landed on top of the tower where it supposed to be placed. Subhanallah..
story 5
he attached video clip was received from a friend of mine. This incident happened early this year (2008) in a remote Island of Malibu (Indonesia). Anew mosque was built in a village on that island of Malibu. Unfortunately the villagers do not have a Heavy Duty Crane to uplift the Dome from the old mosque to the newly built Mosque's Minaret.
About 3000 Imaams gathered in the mosque to perform Dhikirullah. With Allah's Rahmah, the Dome from the old mosque was lifted up to the new mosque's Minaret with the power of Dhikirullah.
According to the person who recorded this clip, all the Imaams have fasted for 3 days and did Qiamullayl and have pleaded for Allah s.w.t Mercy for this 3 days prior to performing the Dhikirullah and lifting the Dome.
It was reported that many of the people there became hysteria upon seeing this incident.
This event proves us the strength of one's Imaan, Dhikirullah and Taqwa. May Allah s.w.t strengthens our Imaan and be good Muslims. Ameen………!!!!!
story 6
{ this incident of dome is exactly 100 % true } { and more over this miracle had been seen by thousand's of muslim's andnon muslim's } { as the imaam of this mosque has not enough money for hanging this dome upside of the mosque well then collecting some money from some muslim brother's but it was not enough amount demanded by the christian constructor well they all went to the constructor and asked him to lift up the dome at the top of the mosque but they haven't that much amount as demanded they have some of them and they said please accept this amount and take it and continue your work .it's our request and then the christian constructor smiled and said '" ask from your allah and muhammad to lift up the dome " { and then they all went back to their homes .
The imam of this masjid was in a great tension and he went to sleep and in his dream's he saw the personalities of personalities { hazrat muhammad sal lal laa hu alaihee walee hee wassalaam }
{ and hazrat muhammad said to the imam of masjid " place the white cloth on the dome and the dome will lift it self at the top of the mosque "}
{ and at morning they all place the white cloth on the dome according to my muhammad sal lal hu alaihee wassallam said } and then the miracle's of miracle of my allah happened in front of thousand's of people the dome itself lift's up to it's place and the dome is placed right at the top of the mosque subhan allah }
{ allah u akbar}
{must watch,read and share it with your muslim brother's and sister's}
{ regard's muslim}
Interesting stories indeed,such stories that a muslim will believe it
from the very first day i didn;t believed on video and i knew that its Fake miracle,Alhamdulilah my guess and thoughts were right and with the help from Allah I'm going to present the truth in front of you.
story 1
There was a new mosque or masjid in Malibu Island that was still under construction however had no crane to lift and transfer the dome from the old masjid to the new masjid.
So about 3000 alims gathered nearthe masjid to do zikirullah.
With ALLAH's help, the dome was lifted and trasferred by just their zikir.
It was also told that these alims had did fasting for 3 days and did qiyammulai for 3 nights prior to the dome lifting.
story 2
Incident took place in nepal where the local people were building a masjid. They were worried about the dome to be placed over the minaret as they dint had any crane facility so they decided to call for allah's help as they started to make dua and ask for help from allah the dome was placed on the minaret in a miraculous way. subhan allah
story 3
ALLAHU AKBAR! Yes it's miracle of "ALLAH". Happend in Nepal. Govt didnt allowed the crane for Mosque minar and said that `go and ask your ALLAH to help you. Allah helps muslim by putting gunbad on menar without any support, since, non muslims dont allow muslims to use crane to lift gunbad, so the imam of mosque saw our beloved prophet pbuh in dream who told him just cover the gunbad with white bed sheet and then see.
story 4
It was in Ternate, Indonesia, and the dome was about to be placed on top of a mosquetower, suddenly it flew by itself and landed on top of the tower where it supposed to be placed. Subhanallah..
story 5
he attached video clip was received from a friend of mine. This incident happened early this year (2008) in a remote Island of Malibu (Indonesia). Anew mosque was built in a village on that island of Malibu. Unfortunately the villagers do not have a Heavy Duty Crane to uplift the Dome from the old mosque to the newly built Mosque's Minaret.
About 3000 Imaams gathered in the mosque to perform Dhikirullah. With Allah's Rahmah, the Dome from the old mosque was lifted up to the new mosque's Minaret with the power of Dhikirullah.
According to the person who recorded this clip, all the Imaams have fasted for 3 days and did Qiamullayl and have pleaded for Allah s.w.t Mercy for this 3 days prior to performing the Dhikirullah and lifting the Dome.
It was reported that many of the people there became hysteria upon seeing this incident.
This event proves us the strength of one's Imaan, Dhikirullah and Taqwa. May Allah s.w.t strengthens our Imaan and be good Muslims. Ameen………!!!!!
story 6
{ this incident of dome is exactly 100 % true } { and more over this miracle had been seen by thousand's of muslim's andnon muslim's } { as the imaam of this mosque has not enough money for hanging this dome upside of the mosque well then collecting some money from some muslim brother's but it was not enough amount demanded by the christian constructor well they all went to the constructor and asked him to lift up the dome at the top of the mosque but they haven't that much amount as demanded they have some of them and they said please accept this amount and take it and continue your work .it's our request and then the christian constructor smiled and said '" ask from your allah and muhammad to lift up the dome " { and then they all went back to their homes .
The imam of this masjid was in a great tension and he went to sleep and in his dream's he saw the personalities of personalities { hazrat muhammad sal lal laa hu alaihee walee hee wassalaam }
{ and hazrat muhammad said to the imam of masjid " place the white cloth on the dome and the dome will lift it self at the top of the mosque "}
{ and at morning they all place the white cloth on the dome according to my muhammad sal lal hu alaihee wassallam said } and then the miracle's of miracle of my allah happened in front of thousand's of people the dome itself lift's up to it's place and the dome is placed right at the top of the mosque subhan allah }
{ allah u akbar}
{must watch,read and share it with your muslim brother's and sister's}
{ regard's muslim}
{the mosque place}
If you see a glimpse of flight recordings dome mosque in Kailolo village in Central Maluku, 25 km from Ambon, was enough to make us wonder. Because the dome is supposedly preached that weighs thousands of pounds, can fly without the aid of floating devices floating around in space .The News agency part from video proofs that its from Indonesia..not NEPAL. NEPAL PART IS LIE.
{the real story}
The dome is said to be floating, while it is lifted using the cable, pull cable to raise the dome of the mosque used since time immemorial without using a crane with a system of Pulleys.The dome is moving to top like cable car movement.

{Why you can't see cable}
The Camera used for this capture was bad camera,not good resolution…this much bad that it cant show the wires on Electric pole.. see here

{How to Determine Cable?}
use math, angle, view angle every time the dome of the wind and you will be able to axis. If you see the panorama shows a white line along the lines indicated.there is a subtle white wire with the clouds, so in our eyes, the wire is not visible becoz background is also white.

{Now watch the Cable on TOP}
The cable is not clearly visible due to white background.but still some traces are there!


{ Supporting Cable}

Conclusion :
In conclusion, the dome is not flying, but being pulled by a rope. Only the perception of society that makes the dome fly.The Above Analysis proves that this all is done with the machines,using 3 wires to pull dome above which can be seen on the back of minarates.
If You think this analysis is wrong,please come forward with the proofs…
This Video is showing the movement of Dome,its being done by wires,the wires are not clearly visible due to bad camera and white back ground,in some parts the traces of wires are visible,which is shown in above pictures…
as you can see the wires which is very close to phone,is not visible in video.
This video is also not taken by the Trans 7 news Agency,becoz News Reporters can;t have such bad quality camera.
The Channel Trans 7 first time Aired this video,without any proof.
If the Incident is true,then why this news was not reported by Any other news agency,or in local newspapers ?
Advice to Muslim Brother and Sisters
Dear Brother and Sisters,Please note that when ever you are sharing any content with your friends and family,then you must verify it ,Its True or False…I'm not saying these words,these are the commands of ALLAH SWT.
And do not follow (blindly) any information of which you have no (direct) knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception, you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord,) you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning." [Qu'ran 17:36]On Internet there are many many lies,hoax,against Islam,we are trying very hard to clear all things,Then why you are sharing Un-Authorized contents with others.Lieing about Allah and Muhammad SAW will directly take you to hell.
so,please please please verify the content before sharing,Verses,Hadith,
Please help us to remove the fake things…and when ever you receive any thing claiming the MIRACLES OF ALLAH SWT OR MUHAMAMD SAW.
Put BIG Question mark on that miracle "?" becoz 90% images and videos spread on Internet is fake miracles…
If you can't verify it,then send it us,we will try our best to present the truth in front of you.
Now i think you must present the truth of dome flying to everyone,with whom you shared this lie… to erase the bad deeds which you gained without knowing the truth.
We don't need such kind of things to show the greatness and power of ALLAH SWT.
And Allah knows best!
JazakAllah khair for reading this ,
sharing is allowed with the proper source back link and without editing the Author name…
May Allah save us from all kind of Fitnah,
Written by
slave of ALLAH SWT!
Source: http://kahatowita-kahatowita.blogspot.com/2010/08/fake-miracle-flying-dome-of-mosque-in.html
The Revival of Awful Announcing

A little over four years ago, Brian Powell started Awful Announcing because NBA broadcaster Hubie Brown somehow let "wideopenshotability" escape from his mouth on-air. It wasn't just another spontaneous sports blog destined to fail, though. Powell had a vision for the site and built it up into one of the most well-known sports blogs on the 'net, focusing on everything broadcasting from potential sharts to random hair product placements. Unfortunately, new responsibilities prevented Powell from posting as much and, ultimately, pretty much at all (the last post prior to today was April 20, but a source close to the situation has said that he still wants to post here occasionally).
Bloguin stepped up to the plate, offering to resurrect AA and put the revered sports blog back on top where it belongs. In an increasingly competitive blogsphere, it will be a tall task, but I think we've assembled a strong enough group of writers to make it happen. We all plan to work hard to maintain the roots of the original AA site, including announcing assignments, quotables, videos, live blogs and analysis, amongst other goodies, but we'll also be splashing in our own flavor to spruce things up a bit.
We understand that the sports blog you once knew and loved is now a little different, a little weird and run by virtual strangers, but don't let your inner neophobe rule you. We ask that you let this marinate a little bit. And once you dig in, I promise that you'll want to come back for more. If not, well, then I hope you get stuck in an elevator that plays Miley Cyrus on repeat for hours.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dr. Martin Luther King Brought A 'Dream' To America - Glenn Beck Brings A 'Nightmare' To The Future Of The USA

[Black Star News Editorial]
47 Years From I Have A Dream to I Have A Nightmare...
"If African American voters were looking for a spark to rally voters to do the right thing in the November elections, it was provided today.
Joined by his Tea Party and Republican Party supporters, Glenn Beck today dishonored the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by holding a rally of tens of thousands at the site where Dr. King made his famous "I Have A Dream," speech.
He also made sure his event, which he promoted on his hate-broadcast shows on FOX and his radio shows, was on the same day that Rev. Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network, was hosting an authentic memorial rally and march for Dr. King.
"It was not my intention to select 8-28 because of the Martin Luther King tie," Beck, the Grand Wizard of hate, told his listeners on radio weeks ago. "It is the day he made that speech. I had no idea until I announced it."
Precisely. Beck is a huge loser if he knew and decided to deliberately spite Dr. King's memory, which is something not beyond him, since he routinely plays the race card, living well by fueling White anger over perceived gains by Blacks, at their expense.
This is a man who said President Obama is a racist who "hates Whites" and also hates "White culture."
Beck is even a bigger loser when he claims he selected the date for his event randomly and that he did not know it was the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches by one of the greatest human being to have lived. Certainly, he did not care. He knew of the King anniversary by June, 2010--he had ample time to select another date.
An African American Republican named Lenny McAllister, refused to speak at the event when asked by the Tea Party, CNN reports.
"I cannot sit on stage and co-sign on this irresponsibility," he told CNN. "I made sure I wore my elephant pin today. I am a proud Republican but I am also a proud African American man."
"Whites don't own Abraham Lincoln," Beck also said, adding fuel to his verbal arson. "Blacks don't own Martin Luther King. Those are American icons, American ideas, and we should just talk about character, and that's really what this event is about. It's about honoring character."
Honoring character? Can a Mafia chief hold a rally to honor the legacy and memory of crime fighting police officers? How absurd.
Beck makes tens of millions of dollars spreading racist verbal arson throughout the country.
At a time when the country is undergoing profound changes --politically, economically, and technology-wise-- many older Whites are susceptible to the message of entitlement spread by false messengers like Glenn Beck.
Under Beck's vision --which he shares with another lethal broadcast terrorist, Rush Limbaugh, who likes calling the president Barack Hussein bin Obama-- Black gains in this country comes at the price of losses by White people.
And as millions of Americans remain unemployed, Beck's and Limbaugh's messages have resonance.
Millions of American jobs have migrated overseas, including to China. Why doesn't Beck foment anti-Chinese sentiments on his shows?
Because it does not carry the same burden and history, as race relations between Blacks --descendants of plantation slavery-- and Whites --descendants of slave masters-- in this country.
So by making allusions to "tradition" and "American values," one can see why thousands of disenchanted Whites are lured by the messages of Beck and Limbaugh. They offer the promise of yesterday, even as the nation moves forward.
Sarah Palin, who has been desperately schooling herself over the past two years on things she should have learned over the last few decades, was also at today's rally.
"We feel the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." she cynically said. "We are so honored to stand here today," Palin added.
Dr. King must have winced.
"Look forward. Look West. Look to the heavens. Look to God and make your choice," Glenn Beck, the convener also said.
It would have been an honor to Dr. King if the heavens had responded with lightning and a downpour?
"Speaking Truth To Empower."
Black Star News
The Re-Education of Saskatchewan's Premier Brad Wall

Wall Is Willing To Intervene To Protect 'People's Potash' !!!
By Murray Mandryk
The Leader-Post
August 28, 201
"In describing the potential impact of a BHP Billiton takeover of PotashCorp, Premier Brad Wall is now using words like "transformational."
"Trust me. There isn't a more important issue facing the province of Saskatchewan today," Wall told reporters Thursday.
For the Saskatchewan Party supporters who whole-heartedly believe in the greater glory of unfettered capitalism in the so-called "New Saskatchewan", Wall's talk of intervening in the free market with "conditions on licences" and perhaps even production levels and royalties must come as a big shock.
But ask Wall what's behind his words and you'll find that they've come from conversations with past political veterans of the resource wars from all sides of the political spectrum. And for a Sask. Party government seen by many as a bit too accommodating to big business at the expense of the people's best interests, this would seem transformational as well.
For the first two years of its three-year existence, Wall's government ran hard on the notion of a "New Saskatchewan" that would no longer be held back by a stodgy 16-year-old social democrat government with its anti-business sentiments.
With the Sask. Party's arrival in 2007 neatly coinciding with perhaps the biggest resource boom in the province's history -- the 2004 to 2008 record revenues in oil, gas and potash revenues that translated into record surplus budgets -- this initially proved to be a pretty easy sell. To further solidify the notion, the new Sask. Party repealed Allan Blakeney's "Potash Production Act" that created the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Crown in the 1970s and introduced legislation to make unionization of workplaces more difficult. Add to this the messaging from Energy Minister Bill Boyd that his government wouldn't touch oil royalty rates (even when it was selling at $150 a barrel), and the potash companies should get most anything they want to encourage mine expansion.
The emerging "new Saskatchewan" was starting to sound strikingly similar to former premier Grant Devine's "Open for Business" era . . . or at least, that seemed to be the case until the recent rather transformative developments in the potash industry.
First came the 2009 potash sales crash that sent the loud message that all the catering in the world to this industry -- including generous royalty holidays for new and old mine development, corporate office jobs, miner employment, etc. -- doesn't always result in the delivery of the economic reward promised.
And now comes this summer's $38.6-billion takeover bid of PotashCorp by the Australian-based mining giant BHP, creating newfound worries in government ranks that new corporate ownership will overproduce to drive down potash prices and undercut competitors -- a move that would reduce Saskatchewan's potash royalties.
But as much as it appears that Wall's interventionist talk contradicts his government's free-enterprise mantra for the "new Saskatchewan", the premier contends his approach is consistent with both past practice and his government's vision of the new Saskatchewan.
"The new Saskatchewan is keenly aware of the resources we have," Wall said in an interview Friday, further noting potash's "strategic importance as a provincial resource that the rest of the world wants."
Wall said his new approach came after recent conversations with former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed (who led the 1970s fight over provincial control of resources), Devine and even former NDP premier Roy Romanow. While reluctant to divulge specifics of the conversations with the former premiers, Wall noted that "pragmatism is the branch between all ideologies" and that all three have very similar views on the most pertinent issues. That view, Wall said, was best summed up by Lougheed who told him: "The resource belongs to the people," and; "There's absolutely nothing wrong with any government of any stripe putting conditions on the development of its resources."
Asked if this means he is willing to risk BHP Billiton pulling out of the province altogether, Wall reiterated that it's the people's resource and Saskatchewan potash will be there long after any mining company.
Some might see this change in the Wall government as rather transformational. Or, it might be an admission that the new Saskatchewan isn't so different from the old Saskatchewan, as some have suggested.
- Mandryk is the political columnist for the Leader-Post.
© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post
Regina Leader-Post
Friday, August 27, 2010
ABT Sportsline Car Tuning

Some claim that a famous ABT AS4-R, based Audi A4 Avant. Using a bi-turbo 2.7-liter V6 with power up to 480 hp. Modified Luxury & Exotics magazine gave the title "That delivers a grocery getter." Next was the Audi R8-R supercharged with features, 2.4-liter V8 engine with power up to 530 hp.
AC Schnitzer car tuning

Among the BMW mania, AC Schnitzer name spelled Have a glorious prestige. One of the best achievements when they are bearing the "Fastest Street Legal BMW Thew IN The World" for the BMW M6 Tension. This is evidenced in Nardo Italy with power tracks 552 hp maximum speed 331.78 km / hr.
Filsosofi AC Schnitzer is a high performance driving performance, safety and reliability. In addition, the AC Schnitzer also makes interior parts made of carbon or aluminum for quality contol panel, steering wheel, pedals and other interior molding
History Of Lexus Car Company (Traces Of Hard work)

Lexus only took a decade to climb to the level occupied by Mercedes-Benz and others that.
Lexus was phenomenal. Not just a shining sales figures, but also numerous awards from all corners of the boost his reputation. That's all the result of hard work to create quality products, supported by marketing strategies sniper and first class customer service.
The emergence of the Lexus can not be separated from the automotive business conditions at that time. Where the Japanese car producers felt it was time to get into the luxury car segment after successful mencipatkan quality mass production cars at competitive prices.
In fact, although the Japanese car brands famous for kehandalnya, but for incoming kelingkaran luxury car brands which are held by Germany, England and America, it is very difficult. To get around that obstacle, it was decided to prepare a new brand specifically for luxury car brands.
Lexus trip since the idea of listening to his name flying now coined, many historical milestones that unfortunately missed. Includes a stumbling block that must be passed.
Challenges Eiji Toyoda
August 1983, Toyota Chairman Eiji Toyoda, Toyota to make sure it was time to ascend to a higher level. In the super-secret meeting, attended by high-ranking Toyota officials-including the strategist and engineer, submitted a brief question, Can we create a luxury car to challenge the best? Answer vigorously not only that but the room echoes resonate in the mind of every person, these challenges must be overcome.
Autumn 1984; Project F1 starts. The letter F stands for flagship and most luxurious sedan one depicted. Chief Engineer Shoiji supported Jimbo and Ichiro Suzuki all general managers and engineers overseeing the development of all aspects of a car, ranging from the handling, braking, traction control, engine, electronics systems and corrosion.
In its development, Jimbo team conducted a study in the USA (May 1985). They met with the dealers in San Francisco, Houston, Miami, and New York to get an idea about the American consumer. Five members of the team sent to Laguna Beach, California to observe the lifestyle and incorporate design concepts to fit the luxury-car buyers in America. This team spent the summer in Southern California and worked with designers at Calty Design, Toyota's American design studios.
The first prototype unit 450 F1 was made in July 1985 successfully. This is the work of 60 designers, 24 engineering teams, engineers 1.400, 2.300 and 220 technicians supporting people. 11 months later the F1 prototype was tested on Autobahn, Germany. Ten months of extensive testing on the streets USA starting September 1986. This test produces improvements in handling and suspension. Also include an audio system and the long distance test. Tests in Sweden generate traction control improvements. F1 final design is approved, after eight failed presentation to management.
Sued the Lexus brand, the award came
January 1988, the Lexus brand and its logo was introduced at the Los Angeles Auto Show. A month later his debut at the Chicago Auto Show, also without a car only images of actual car, an intriguing video show and a pinch of general information. This introduction was continued at Atlanta Auto Show and the New York Auto Show. The blue-presume, Lexis, a legal information network, filed a lawsuit against the use of a Lexus. April 1988 filed a lawsuit to court in New York. Lexus continues to be marked with the laying of road stone for the construction Lexus of Columbus in Ohio in August 1988.
November 1988, F1 prototype named the LS 400. LS mean luxury sedans and 400 showed 4.0-liter V8 engine. Smaller version named 250 ES. ES is an executive sedan with 2.5-liter engine. A month later the Lexus took Nakamichi and Pioneer sound system to produce the LS 400. January 1989; LS 400 and ES 250 to debut at Detroit Auto Show. A day later, the Lexus appeared on the Los Angeles Auto Show.
March 1989, the Court lawsuit stir Lexis and Lexus has the right to use that name. The success was greeted with the first units were produced from the factory Lexus LS 400 in Tahara, Japan in May 1989. In the first four months of sales, 2.919 1.216 units of the LS 400 and ES 250 units sold.
Lexus started a new tradition of customer service standards. Just because a customer complained about the cruise control and several complaints about the stop lamp, Lexus decided to recall LS400 sold 8000 units to be examined in December 1989. Dealers contact the customer personally and make improvements quickly. Instead of criticism, even compliments are obtained. Lexus has created a new standard in personal service.
January 1990, Car & Driver magazine put the LS 400 s in the position of the peak at 1990 New Car Buyer s Study. Since then, endless awards given at the Lexus. Among Best Imported Car of the Year from the Motoring Press Association (February 1990), Best Luxury from Motor Week's Drivers' Choice Awards. Peak, topped the Lexus in JD Power and Associates Initial Quality Study (July 1990). Award of J.D. Power is very prestigious to be subscribed Lexus for years.
May 1991, Lexus SC400 sports coupe launched. In design at Calty Design, California. Starting July Coupe is marketed. Followed by the launch of SC 300 in August and in September 1991menggantikan ES 300 ES 250. This year, Lexus became the biggest-selling imported luxury car in the USA. 71.206 units sold, more than Mercedes-Benz or BMW.
The threat of trade war
January 1993 Lexus introduced the GS 300 luxury sport sedan in Los Angeles and Detroit Auto Show. May 1995, a big threat comes from the U.S. Trade Representative Mickey Kantor will set a 100 percent import duty for certain Japanese luxury cars, including all Lexus models. The proposed new duty for workers in the 7500 Lexus threaten America. 11 hours of negotiations in June 1995 succeeded in reaching an agreement between the USA and Japan as well as an end to the potential trade war.
A month later the Lexus was elected again as the best in JD Power and Associates Customer Satisfaction Index for the sixth consecutive. No other brand can equal in the history of this research. Lexus sales in August 1995 to recover from the effects of the new duty plan.
January 1996; LX 450 was introduced and became the first Lexus SUV. Only in the two months immediately grab the top best-selling luxury SUV, the Range Rover shifts. September 1996; Lexus ES 300 introduces a new generation of cheaper, although there are additional features. Three months later, this model won the award Top Car Award from the American Automobile Association.
In February 1997 Lexus introduced the concept of Sport Luxury Vehicle (SLV) in the 1997 Chicago Auto Show. SLV combining characters mid-size SUV with the comfort of a luxury sedan and Performance on-road that has not been found in other SUVs. A month later, Lexus announced the production version, named SLV RX300. This model was produced from mid 1998.
Lexus introduced the technology Variable Valve Timing-intelligence (VVT-i) to gain more power in September 1997. Starting from the latest generation GS400/300, LS 400 and SC 400 / 300.
Lexus introduces the LX 470 at Los Angeles International Auto Show in December 1997. Using the new V8 engine, more spacious rooms and a sophisticated suspension height can be arranged. Meanwhile, Lexus sales skyrocketed. Sales in 1997 recorded 20% more than in 1996.
January 1998; RX300 was introduced in the North American International Auto Show. March 1998, LX470 and RX300 started to be marketed in 174 dealers throughout the USA. RX 300 sales immediately shot. December 1998; Lexus best annual sales record in history. Sales reached 156.260 units, up 60% compared to 1997.
Sales skyrocketed
A month later introduced the Lexus IS compact sport sedan at the Detroit Auto Show and will ship mid-2000. For the first sale of the first quarter (January March 1999) Lexus beat out Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lincoln and Cadillac.
Lexus introduced the Lexus Sport Coupe concept at the Tokyo International Motor Show in October 1999. December 1999, its fourth annual Lexus sales record ever made. Sales in 1999 reached 185.890 units or an increase of 19% compared to the previous year. Total sales of Lexus in the USA has more than one million units.
January 2000, Lexus introduced the IS 300 at the Los Angeles Auto Show and LS 430 at North American International Auto Show in Detroit. At the 2002 North American International Auto Show, Lexus introduced a third SUV, GX470. This year, Lexus introduced the RX 330, the second generation RX300.