I have posted a number of stories about massive flooding in Saskatchewan this year. One of the end results is that a lot of federally funded infrastructure projects are months behind and will likely not be completed by the original target date of March 31, 2011. To date, the Harper government has displayed a rigid cavalier attitude to the problem, confident that they will hold their federal seats in Saskatchewan.
We will see! Harper spent over a Billion dollars for the G8/G20 .. gazebos ... roads to nowhere and other useless expenditures in swing Ontario seats. But he turns his back on Saskatchewan. Bring on the election .. I can hardly wait for the Conservatives to turn up on my doorstep!!
Today, the Federal New Democrat Opposition called on Harper to do the right thing for the province.
New Democratic Federal Caucus News Release
-TransCanada Highway Washed Out In Saskatchewan
-Harper Pulls Rug Out From Under Saskatchewan Again
-Why Brad Wall Will Have To Do Something About Flood Relief
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
'Exemption Needed For Stimulus Funding Deadline In Flooded Saskatchewan Municipalities' - Jack Layton

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