Tuesday, the Brazilian government ordered all branches of its military to begin documenting UFO sightings. All data collected will be available to the public.
Air traffic controllers, military personnel and commercial pilots have all been asked to document strange anomolies. A spokesman claims the air force has UFO archives dating back 20-50 years, but no official order has been made to release the documents. In the published decree , the air force says it will "periodically submit UFO reports." Reports will be submitted to the Airspace Defense Command Center in Brasilia. This is good news for the U.F.O community. Supposedly, now any individual person or researcher can access information on ETs and UFOs from Brazils "national archives." The Brazilian government wants the public to have complete access to the files. The documents the government may reveal should not be underestimated. The Brazilian air force (FAB) has been documenting UFO sightings for almost 50 years, constantly keeping a watchful eye over their airspace. In 1997, (FAB) Coronel Uyrange Lima declared in an interview that he had seen UFOs as big as airplanes. Now, this document may finally be released. Who knows, (FAB) supposedly has thousands of photographs, videos and reports ready to disclose.
Other past (FAB) encounters:
1. May 19 ,1986, (FAB) attempted to intercept multiple UFOs over Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. 21 UFOs were detected on radar, others were actually pursued by jets. According to the pilots and radar operators, the UFOs were traveling at a speed of 1500km an hour in some instances.
2. January 20,1996, firefighters from a town in Minas Gerais were called to capture creatures seen in a park. The creatures had massive red eyes, strange brown skin and oval shaped heads. The creatures were supposedly captured and taken to an Army barracks. Here is a 3 part series about the incident.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
If the Brazilian government actually releases all of this information, the world as we know it could change. I know there are individuals who try to manipulate the truth in this world and were not always sure what to believe, but let's hope the Brazilian government has some good members within their ranks who are trying to disclose this information for the good of humanity. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to subscribe.
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