The long suffering Liberal Party of Canada continues to stagnate in the polls. Many Liberal activists are starting to come around to the fact that their perceived 'entitlement' to govern is not going to be embraced by Canadians again any time soon. Michael Ignatieff has done very little to endear himself to the nation and Liberal fortunes are stuck in the current quagmire of Canadian politics.
The Conservatives are stuck in the same quagmire and there is very little room to grow for both of these Right leaning political parties. The Bloc remains fixed in their Quebec stronghold and the NDP is challenged to find room to grow as well.
Welcome to Canadian politics - 2010. Like it or not, it is the will of the people that no one party is being given the blessing to form a majority government. Harper will not win a majority in the next campaign and neither will the Liberals.
Idiotically, the boo-bah's who run Liberal Inc. have decided that it is wise at this time to make another foray into New Democrat territory. Hence we see a fairly convoluted attempt to pin the possible demise of the gun registry onto Jack Layton.
Liberal strategists desperately hope to accomplish two goals with this. First is to leave the impression that Iggy is a strong leader, ready willing and able to whip his 8 MP's who previously voted to kill the Registry. Because it has never been the policy of the NDP to whip their Caucus on private member's bills, the Libs are trying to leave the impression that Layton is not as strong a leader as Iggy. So, with Layton consistently getting favorable ratings in the polls, the Lib brain trust feels that they must do something to pull him down and boost the Igster up.
The second goal of the current Liberal strategy is to try and win back some of the urban support that has leaked away to Layton since 2006. Rather than attack Harper (whom they fear), Liberals have decided to try and pound on the NDP. It is humorous to watch and will bear few, if any electoral results.
In fact, Liberal anxiety to climb back into the government benches may even see Iggy force an election this fall. Any move to do so will be as disastrous as last fall's attempt.
The Liberal Party of Canada may be preparing to launch 'Liberal Lemmings version 2.0 in the not too distant future! Stay tuned!
Mere minutes after publishing this post, the Globe & Mail put out a news item where Iggy welcomes a Federal Election this fall!!! .... told 'ya!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Reasons Why The Liberal Party Of Canada Has Instructed Its Bloggers To Go Hard Against Layton - Liberal Lemmings 2.0

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