
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Should we Release Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes into the Environment?

genetically engineered malaria mosquito
Gene tagged with fluorescent marker to ensure insertion

Scientists in the US have managed to genetically engineer a malaria-resistant mosquito. The tremendous event has been hailed as the first of its kind and a breakthrough in the scientific community, but is all the speculation true? Is it a good idea to introduce these genetically engineered mosquitoes into the environment? Now, your first impression is probably yes because scientist claim the mosquitoes could help eliminate malaria throughout the world. Why wouldn't you want to stand for such a cause? This is the type of heated rhetoric used during such a debate. Well, in this particular instance, only the good news has been reported as far as I have witnessed. Every story related to the creation of the genetically engineered mosquito is shed in a positive light. News columnist and scientist all over the world have hailed the find as a cure for malaria; currently bloggers and writers continue to do the same, yet no one has mentioned the possibility of negative side effects/scenarios.

story continued below
genetically engineered mosquito larva
Genetically engineered mosquito larva (Image: Michael Riehle, University if Arizona)

A few points of interest:

1. The genetically engineered mosquitoes lifespan is 20% less when compared to natural mosquitoes. They claim the 20% decrease is modest when compared to a 50% decrease in malaria.

2. The GM mosquitoes do not enter a reproductive cycle or produce eggs when exposed to sugar.

3. They plan to release these mosquitoes into the environment in hopes of replacing the natural mosquito population.

4. The mosquitoes have no competitive advantage over natural mosquitoes.

Ok, this doesn't sound so bad, right? Well, lets talk about a few more issues first. For this to be successful, genetically engineered mosquitoes would have to "take over" the naturally occurring, disease-spreading mosquitoes. This means giving the GM insects a competitive advantage, something that has not yet been achieved. Researchers have been experimenting with genetic tricks. "Genetic Tricks," what is this? In this particular instance they are discussing the idea of boosting the mosquitoes genes to make them resistant to toxins which could be used against unmodified mosquitoes. Yea, this sounds like a good idea, create a genetically engineered mosquito which is resistant to toxins, then kill all the natural mosquitoes by releasing toxins into the environment. My friends, this is an ethical issue. How do we know what damage could occur to the environment from this 10-20-50 years down the road. I don't know about you, but I am against living in a world of man made mosquitoes. What if it mutates? What if the decrease in lifespan causes issues? (mosquitoes do play a role in our environment) What if this genetically modified mosquito becomes the carrier of something far worse? This study hasn't even been carried out on the Anopheles gambiae mosquito. "This is the major vector of malaria in Africa where the disease is most prevalent."

Bottom line: Contrary to what we have heard, not enough research has been conducted to release a genetically modified mosquito into the environment. Who are we, as a species, to question the planets inhabitants and try to genetically modify them with our science? This exact type of science has even led some people to believe humans were once genetically modified. If you enjoyed the article, share it, subscribe and follow The Real News Now on twitter or google.
They are trying to do a good thing, but this does not mean it will turn out well. These genetically modified mosquitoes could end up causing more harm than good in the long run.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Conservative MP Rob Anders implicates colleagues in Chinese government hooker scheme

These may be the dumbest comments by a Member of Parliament in the history of Canada ...

-CBC has more .....

ronaldo cristiano girlfriend

MP Rob Anders Has A Duty To Give Names Of Other MP's Who Are Under Influence Of A Foreign Government

Progressive Bloggers

"CALGARY — China’s influence over Western politicians runs deeper than controversial claims made by the head of Canada’s spy agency, Tory MP Rob Anders is alleging. In a recent interview with Epoch Times, an international newspaper founded by Falun Gong supporters, Mr. Anders suggested politicians and government officials from Canada and other countries are being wooed with extravagant gifts, beautiful young women and too-good-to-be-true business deals.
“The reach is deep, and it’s very unfortunate,” Mr. Anders told the newspaper. “I would argue that I’ve seen things happen on a federal level as well in our own government. And so I think there’s a lot more than he has even mentioned,” the Calgary MP added, referring to Canadian Security Intelligence Service director Richard Fadden.

“I think that Mr. Fadden only gingerly scratched the surface. I feel for him that he was dragged before an investigative committee with Parliament to have to explain, and I think that this situation is far worse that what he let on.”

National Post

If Conservative Member of Parliament, Rob Anders, has ANY facts or evidence, as he claims he does, that one of his colleagues or anyone in the Government of Canada is under the influence of a foreign administration, then he MUST make his claims public now as a matter of national security.

Who in your own government, Rob??

Stem-Cell Research, Abortion and Big Business

stem cell

The long-lasting highly publicized raging debate concerning abortion in America and embryonic stem cell research has always been an issue shrouded deep within political, religious and scientific borders. Sentiments run deep between the scientific and religious communities, and most players in the political arena remain split down the middle, swaying heavily and forcefully to one side or the other. It's a topic which is often brought up, but rarely addressed. Well, it's time to raise the question, "Is Abortion big business, and if so is the scientific community involved?"

We will begin this discussion with the Dickey Amendment (also known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment) which was passed by Congress in 1995 and signed into law by Bill Clinton. The Dickey Amendment prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from using appropriated funds for the creation of human embryos for research purposes or for research in which human embryos are destroyed. This law was set in place to ease tensions between pro-life, pro-choice and scientific communities.

On March 9, 2009, President Barack Obama signed an executive order which removed the restriction against federal funding of stem cell research. This allows federal funds to be used for research on cell lines created from human embryos of discarded infertility treatments and abortions.
barack obama stem cells
Many people argue against the case, stating that the removal of restrictions will not impact the use of embryonic stem cells from aborted fetuses due to procedure costs, transportation and equipment issues. Yet the fact remains, the removal of restrictions put in place by the Dickey Amendment opens the door to the harvesting of stem cells from aborted fetuses.

Now, many medical professionals and representatives of planned parenthood will tell you the fetuses are discarded as medical waste; that they are strained, examined and put into a biohazard containment system to be destroyed by a medical waste facility. This is not always the case. Many groups claim doctors change abortion procedures and harm living babies in order to obtain “perfect” cell samples. Other groups claim certain doctors encourage the sale of fetuses and late term abortion.

You may ask why i brought planned parenthood into this. It's simple, planned parenthood is directly tied to the abortion policy, and outlook of this country. Planned parenthood also directly profits from the business of abortion.

Here are a few quick points.

1. A woman named Carol Everett, who once owned and operated four successful abortion clinics said, "If a girl decides to carry her baby to term, clinics don't make any money. They only make money if she has an abortion. So, inevitably, clinics put pressure on women to abort."

2. Margaret Sanger founded planned parenthood. She also published articles from Adolf Hitler's director of eugenic sterilization, Ernst Rudin, and created "The Negro Project," a strategy for eliminating the black population.

3. Nita Whitten, who once worked in an abortion clinic says she was trained by a professional marketing firm on how to sell abortions over the phone. Nita says, "when a girl calls, the object isn't to help her; it's to 'make the sale."

4. Abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry.

5. After an abortion, the girl is given free birth-control pills. Since the girl is on the pill, she's more likely to be sexually active, but young people forget to take their birth control pills consistently. In turn, there's a good chance the girl will return to the clinic pregnant again. Abortion is a big business that uses dirty marketing tactics.

Now, on to the issue of stem cell research. It is openly known that scientist have used aborted fetuses for stem cell research. In most documented cases the aborted fetuses have been donated in early stage pregnancies, but this does not rule out the idea of discarded fetuses being used without being donated. The business of selling human organs, body parts, and eggs has been going on for decades in this country. Stem cells have been known to cure and eliminate thousands of ailments and diseases, making them extremely valuable. In turn, many doctors, aristocrats and scientist end up trafficking human organs and embryonic stem cells. Black-market stem cell clinics have popped up all over the world recently charging patients as much as $50,000 per session.

Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) introduced The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2009 to Congress which will allow for the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research permanently, codifying the federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research into law. This would open the door to full blown embryo farms which could be created for stem cell research.

He never brings up the military implications

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Report Which Claimed China Blocked Google was "False"

google china headquarters

On Thursday, Google Incorporated posted a notice claiming that its search engine had been blocked on mainland China. (this is one of Googles largest and key markets Google China)

While Google thought China may had blocked their service with some type of firewall due to an ongoing high profile censorship dispute between the two corporations, it turns out the false alarm came from a small technological difficulty. Google claims its system for tracking Internet access appeared to have misinterpreted what was going on with its services in China. (Google China)

"I believe Google raised early suspicions because China has threatened to block the company before, in fact they have been blocking youtube for months!" Google refuses to censor search results and material to Chinas specifications even though they have complied with the country in the past. Yes, it all boils down to censorship, or does it? Google claims the site was attacked by hackers located in China which made the Internet giant have a change of heart regarding its stance on censorship. Maybe this has something to do with national security?
China renewed Google's Internet license in the country recently, but as it stands, both Google and China stay tense when discussing the issue.

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National Health Care Bill Contains Skull & Bones Illuminati Signature. "322"


What does the newly passed health-care bill have to do with skull and bones?
March 22nd, yes, March 22nd. This date holds quite an interesting story. This date correlates with the skull and bones secret society signature of "322" 322=3/22=march 22nd.
So, let's take a look at what has occured on this specific date in the past.

1. March 22nd, (322) is the sacred number of the Skull and Bones, Skull and bones is a secret society from Yale which has produced multitudes of powerful influential world leaders .

2. The Georgia Guidestones were christened on March 22,(322)1980. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The stone also claims the world population should never climb to 500 million. The Georgia Guidestones were created in 1980 by a secretive man named R.C. Christian. The name R. C. Christian is a pseudonym (no one actually knows who R.C. Christian was, or at least no one will talk about it) Some believe this pseudonym signifies the Rosicrucian order which has had relations with skull and bones for over 100 years.
goergia guidestones

3. March 22nd 2010 (322) is the day the Health Care bill finally passed in the U.S. (Universal Time is Greenwich Mean Time. This is the 'time' the Illuminati use, writes Jay Weidner)

4. March 22nd (322) is the first day of Aries (also called mars) This is significant because March is the only month named after a planet and the first day of spring.

5. In the book "mystery of the cathedrals" by Fulcanelli, he describes a secret science called alchemy which only the highest elite aristocracy understands. He continues to explain the alchemy and claim that all alchemy begins in Aries. (Mars)

In conclusion, the health care bill was passed on the sacred day of March 22nd (322). Let's not forget how important this bill is and what it could possibly mean if it's actually a part of the new world order agenda. The vote was actually pushed back multiple times during March 21st, resulting in a late vote March 22nd. Was this deliberate? Here is another small piece of history concerning March 22nd.

6. On March 22nd 1765, The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act which introduced a tax to be levied directly on the American colonies.

I hope you enjoyed the article. Feel free to subscribe through twitter, email, Google or RSS.

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Arizona immigration law blocked: Governor plans swift appeal

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer plans to swiftly appeal a judge's ruling blocking key components of Arizona's new state immigration law, vowing to take it to the Supreme Court if she has to. In a statement, Jan Brewer stated "This fight is far from over. In fact, it is just the beginning, and at the end of what is certain to be a long legal struggle, Arizona will prevail in its right to protect our citizens,"

The state plans to file an expedited appeal. Parts of the immigration law were blocked by District Judge Susan Bolton. One of these key parts which was blocked concerns the issue of law enforcement officials being able to ask suspects for proper papers. Bolton also suspended parts of the law requiring individuals to carry proof of their status. Another key part Bolton suspended concerns the issue of Illegal Immigrants looking for work, it is no longer illegal.

The legislation was signed into law in April by Brewer who has argued that it's needed to battle a tide of illegal immigrants flooding into the state. "I will battle all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, for the right to protect the citizens of Arizona," Brewer said. The governor claims the federal government has done nothing to help and basically refuses to help fix the situation, so Arizona has had to take the matter into their own hands. The Obama administration argues that the responsibility for immigration policy lies with the federal government. This clearly is not the case though if you ask me. Is this a ruling against states rights?

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Congress Passes Drug Legislation Fixing Crack Disparity

crack cocaine

On Wednesday, the House voted to reduce the disparity in the sentencing of people caught with crack cocaine vs. powder cocaine. Before, in order to be charged with a felony, crack users need to posses 5 grams of crack, powder cocaine users needed to be caught with 500 grams. This 100-to-1 disparity has been a frequent means for debate over the last several years.

In order to be charged with a felony under the new law, a user must posses a minimum of 28 grams of crack cocaine. This greatly narrows the disparity gap from 100-1 to 18-1. In March, the Senate approved the legislation to reduce this disparity. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation, having expressed opposition to disparity in the past. The measure changes the previous law of 1986, which was enacted at a time when crack cocaine use was rampant and considered an extremely violent drug.

The bill also eliminates the five-year mandatory minimum for first-time possession of crack. This is the first time since the Nixon administration Congress has repealed a mandatory minimum sentence. The Congressional Budget Office claims the bill will save the government $42 million over five years due to reduction in the prison population.

Because the mandatory penalties were so harsh, many non-violent addicted drug users were being hit with long prison sentences, rivaling those of highly violent repeat criminals. Many also believe that nothing symbolizes the conflicted state of U.S. race relations more than the tortured odyssey of crack cocaine. Although surveys show that most users of cocaine, in all of its forms are white, African Americans and Latinos account for 96 percent of crack convictions. The passing of this new law has been hailed as a victory by many activist groups who have been speaking out against the law since it's first inception during the Reagan administration.
Fixing Crack Disparity

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2011 Citroen C-Zero

Citroën has announced a 100 percent electric vehicle called the C-ZERO. The 3.48m-long city car is based on the Mitsubishi i-MiEV as well as sister company Peugeot’s iOn.

The CITROËN C-ZERO is a full-electric vehicle powered by a permanent magnet synchronous motor delivering 47kW or 64bhp EEC from 3,000 to 6,000rpm. Maximum torque of 180Nm is available from 0 to 2,000rpm. Power is transmitted to the rear axle via a single-speed reduction gear.\

The CITROËN C-ZERO is perfectly adapted to the needs of all kinds of users - including public sector operators, local authorities, smaller businesses and company fleets - and also to those of private customers looking for a car with exceptionally low running costs.

'Nuclear power expensive option for Saskatchewan': Report

"Constructing a nuclear reactor in Saskatchewan could triple consumers' power bills and would not decrease greenhouse-gas emissions, said a report released Tuesday.

"It is an expensive option for Saskatchewan to pursue. It's not cost-effective," said Heath Packman, a former Saskatchewan government official and author of In the Red: The Green Behind Nuclear Power.

The report, commissioned by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), states nuclear power would have the highest capital costs of any energy form for Saskatchewan. It also says Saskatchewan's export market for surplus power "has been greatly exaggerated," as this power would be forced to compete with more cost-effective hydroelectric power from Manitoba, B.C., Washington and Oregon.

"Nuclear power is not a silver bullet," said Packman, who does not consider himself ideologically for or against nuclear power.

"My issue is the cost," he said.

The Saskatchewan government explored the possibility of a nuclear reactor for the province, but has put any plans on hold, citing cost uncertainty.

According to studies cited by Packman, the capital costs of creating new nuclear power are estimated at roughly $4,000 per kilowatt hour. Nuclear is the most expensive, along with solar, which costs the same amount. Coal ($2,438), biomass ($2,500), wind ($1,700) and natural gas ($700) are the other options cited.

Regina Leader-Post: ...Nuclear Option

D.C., London, and Vatican City: Do they rule the world?

Vatican city obelisk
What are the three city states and do they rule the world? In this article, I will try to answer some of these questions using history and symbolism. Let's begin.

The flag in Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington's District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.

When congress passed the act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the constitution.

If you take a moment to study some signed treaties and charters between the United States and Britain, you will find that the United States has always been a British crowned Colony. In 1606, King James (yes, the King James who revised the bible) signed the charter of Virginia. The charter granted Americas British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.

In 1783, the Paris peace treaty was signed. This treaty identifies the King of England as the prince of the United States contradicting the belief that America won the war of independence. And although King George III of England gave up most claims over his American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payments for his business ventures of colonizing America. If America won the war of independence, why would the agree to pay reparations to the king.

When the 13th amendment to the constitution was passed, the U.S. president was made subservient to the King of England. The 13th Amendment (the title of nobility amendment) forbids U.S. officials from using royal titles like king, or prince. For some strange reason though, the 13th amendment which was ratified in 1810 no longer appears in current copies of the U.S. constitution.

The war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into debt slaves of the king. In 1812, the British torched and burned the white house and all U.S. government buildings to the ground, destroying many ratification records of the U.S. constitution.

Then, nearly a century later, a corrupt U.S. congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburgs federal reserve act of 1913, handing over Americas gold and silver reserves (and total control of Americas economy) to the federal reserve bank. Most Americans still believe the FED is owned by the government, but it is not. The FED is a privately owned banking system whose majority class A shareholders include the Rothschild's, Warburgs, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller's and the Lehman brothers.

Most U.S. citizens believe the United States is a country and the president is its leader, but the U.S. is not a country, it is a corporation, and the president is not our leader, he is the president of the corporation of the U.S. The president, along his elected officials work for the corporation, not for the American People.

So, who owns the giant U.S. corporation? Like Canada and Australia, whose leaders are prime ministers of the queen, and whose land is called crowned land, the U.S. is just another crowned colony. Crowned colonies are controlled by the empire of the three city states. Thus, the U.S. is controlled by the three city states.

Let's get into some symbolism. At the center of each city state are giant phallic shaped stone monuments called obelisks. In D.C. the obelisk is known as the Washington monument. It was dedicated to Freemason George Washington by the Freemason grand lodge of the District of Columbia. The secretive brotherhood of Freemasons laid the Washington obelisks cornerstone in 1848 and contributed 22 masonic memorial stones. 250 masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the knights templar masonic order.
Washington DC obelisk
In the center of London city state is a 187 ton, 69 foot tall Egyptian obelisk called Cleopatras needle. it was transported from Egypt and erected on the banks of the river Thames.
Cleopatras needle London City
In Vatican city, another Egyptian obelisk towers high above saint peters square. (top article photo) Now, you may be asking yourself why this significant, let me tell you.

First, we need to understand what an obelisk is. An obelisk is a phallic shaped monument honoring the pagan sun-god of ancient Egypt called Amun-Ra. The spirit of this pagan god is said to reside within the obelisk. Worshipers of Amun believe Amun is the supreme god and creator of all things, and can transform himself into other gods. Since vowels were used interchangeable in the biblical Hebrew language, Amun could be spelled Amen, Amon, Omon, or Amun. Today, Amun is one of the most popular words in the world. It is used in all languages by Christians, Muslims, Hebrews and Jews at the end of prayer. Without realizing it, people all over the world are praising Amun. The old testament of the bible is the holy book for both Christians and Jews. Amun is repeated over and over again throughout the bible and is hidden within the word testament. The word Amun literally means the hidden one. Many are fooled into believing that Amun means "so be it, or truly," but in kings one verse 36 of the old testament, Amun is identified as the lord god of my lord.

Basically, I would like to know why these city states operate under lex fori roman law, and why they are represented by an obelisk. These are questions we need to ask. Write your senator, write articles and publish them, tell your friends to look into the matter, research the history and laws related to this issue. Always pay attention to your surroundings.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Harper's Conservatives Don't Let Evidence Guide Decision Making

"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
-Homer J. Simpson

Progressive Bloggers

Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson spilled the beans in a recent interview on CBC Radio and let the nation know that our Conservative government does not consider relevant facts or statistics when they make decisions - everything is based on their misguided, idiotic, Reform Party ideology.

The Editorial Board of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix blasts the Federal Harper government right between the eyes for their ongoing idiocy:

"According to federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, the Conservative government doesn't govern based on the latest statistics.

Defending the Stephen Harper government's "get tough on crime" agenda Monday on the CBC Radio program, The Current, Mr. Nicholson said critics keep insisting: "You have to use the statistics and the measuring sticks we want. I say you can't do that."

His statement is much more illuminating than the ongoing controversy over the Tories' decision to make voluntary Canadians' responding to the long-form census. The data obtained from the previously mandatory responses had been used to glean a wide range of statistically valid information about Canadians.

***His comments are further evidence on the lengths to which the Conservative government will go to avoid or ignore any information that runs contrary to its ideological base position.***

The cost and harm that result from the federal government's tough-on-crime strategy will be tough on all of Canada, but particularly so for Saskatchewan, given this province's specific demographics.

It's a good sign that provincial Justice Minister Don Morgan is determined to act to lower crime rates in Saskatchewan, and recognizes part of the challenge will be to work with the "younger, socially disadvantaged population" to accomplish the goal. However, Mr. Nicholson seems just as determined to get in the way of doing that.

Not only will diversion and alternative sentencing become more difficult with the federal push to toughen young offenders' legislation and impose mandatory minimum sentences, but the harsh tone of the debate will make it even harder to stand up for those persons caught on the wrong side of the law.

Such has been the most telling experience of the United States. Over the past four decades, the country has become increasingly tough on crime and locked up more of its citizens for longer periods and for more minor offences than any other democratic nation.

However, according to a recent study published in the conservative British magazine The Economist, the "tough on crime" rhetoric has made it nearly impossible for any American politician to promote crime reduction strategies that actually work.

The study points to the contrast between the similar countries of Belgium and The Netherlands. Belgium's get-tough approach to crime has increased its prison population while The Netherlands has used community service, treatment and support on its way to reducing both prisoner numbers and crime. So successful has it been that the Netherlands now leases prison space to Belgium.

Mr. Nicholson told the CBC that what the U.S. does has little to do with Canada. The Conservative government's made-in-Canada solution has demonstrably been supported in two consecutive elections, he suggested, with Canadians sending more Tories to Ottawa than MPs of any other party.

A lot of evidence suggests that the American experiment with harsh sentencing will be repeated above the 49th parallel -- particularly when it comes to the numbers of disadvantaged minorities languishing behind bars.

And this will be Mr. Morgan's chief challenge. Although Natives make up less than a quarter of Saskatchewan's population, they constitute nearly 81 per cent of the prison population here.

The American experience teaches us that the harsher the sentencing, the more adversely it impacts upon minority groups such as Blacks and Hispanics, and the more difficult it is to enact strategies to help these minorities turn things around.

Kevin Page, Canada's Parliamentary Budget Officer, estimates that a single Tory law -- the "truth in sentencing" provision meant to stop judges from giving extra credit for time served in remand -- will cost the federal treasury at least $5 billion over the next five years.

Saskatchewan and Canada already lock up more people longer than do most jurisdictions. The sentencing changes mean Canada will be locking up a larger number of people who pose a lesser problem -- people would otherwise have the greatest chance for rehabilitation. As the U.S. example shows, this only serves to created more and harder criminals over the long term.

Mr. Nicholson points out his party is the only one standing up for victims, but it's a debatable claim.

A dispassionate review of data from the U.S., The Netherlands and Belgium, and a discussion with experts rather than constituents riled up by tough-on-crime rhetoric show that the Conservatives would seem to be the only party that standing up for creating more victims.

But, as Mr. Nicholson says, and the decision to water down the validity of census data affirms, this government doesn't need evidence in order to act."

Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Wyclef Jean Considers Run For Presidency Of Haiti

"Wyclef Jean has confirmed he is considering running for president of Haiti, according to CNN. It's premature to say whether he will be on the ballot in the Nov. 28 presidential election, the Grammy Award-winning artist said, but he has filled out the paperwork necessary to enter the race. Initial reports that Jean might run appeared this weekend in Ottawa publication Le Droit."
CBC News

Interesting story .. I have no idea what his politics are ... but I'd say that with 'President Wyclef Jean', Haiti would definitely have one of the coolest leaders around.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Wikileaks Afghan War Logs Paint Sad Picture of Mass Casualties

Julian Assange Wikileaks

On the 25th of July 2010, WikiLeaks released a document set called the Afghan War Diary, an extraordinary collection of 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The reports, written by soldiers and intelligence officers describe the lethal military actions the U.S. military was involved in, including intelligence information, reports of meetings with political figures, and related details.

Today is the first day the documents have been available on-line. I have been looking through the reports and seem to have found a trend, "Casualties are extremely high" and we all know there are casualties in war, but this leak draws a different assertion. In order for you to better understand what I mean, I am going to make a list.

How to read the list:

1. First I will place a reference ID, which is basically the ID number of the released communication document. you can find all of these ID numbers on Wikileaks.
2. Next I will put the date of the Transmission.
3. Finally, I will put the number of Friendlies, Enemies, and innocent people killed in the attacks.
4. As the list goes on you will see a developing trend.

Ok, lets get started.
1. ID: AFG20060909n389
Date: 2006-09-09 05:05
KIA: 181 enemy/ 1 friendly

2. ID: AFG20080707n1425
Date: 2008-07-07 03:03
KIA: 1 enemy/ 42 civilians
Injured: 147 civilians

3. ID: AFG20050621n88
Date: 2005-06-21 08:08
KIA: 103 enemy/ 5 friendly
Injured: 6 friendly/ 2 civilian

4. ID: AFG20090825n1935
Date: 2009-08-25 14:02
KIA: 47 civilians
Injured: 70 civilians

5. ID: AFG20080217n1231
Date: 2008-02-17 06:06
KIA: 1 enemy/ 55 civilians
Injured: 48 civilians

6. ID: AFG20070828n921
Date: 2007-08-28 04:04
KIA: 100 enemies
Injured: 3 friendly

7. ID: AFG20060905n351
Date: 2006-09-05 08:08
KIA: 100 enemy
Injured: 2 friendly

8. ID: AFG20071119n1054
Date: 2007-11-19 05:05
KIA: 80 enemies

9. ID: AFG20060914n428
Date: 2006-09-14 10:10
KIA: 80 enemies

10. ID: AFG20040608n32
Date: 2004-06-08 07:07
KIA: 78 enemies
Injured: 4 enemies

This is a brief list of ten examples. (I could go on all day listing each individual transmission and posting casualty numbers but I think we all get the picture)

This list shows a trend of civilian and enemy deaths. The toll is extremely high yet the U.S. military has managed to avoid casualties quite well. The Afghan war logs released by Wikileaks may prove that the casualty rate in Afghanistan is much higher than originally expected. This may lead some to believe the casualty count was purposely altered for political purposes. Either way, the number of casualties listed in the Afghan war logs is quite astounding and a cause for concern.

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The Simplistic World View That Resides In The Conservative Mind

"Indeed in this country, there are two groups of people. In fact, some would call these groups the haves and the have-nots. This is an not inaccurate way of describing it, but those that would might have the two switched. Canadians form two groups: those that receive from the government and those that pay to the government."
Stephen Taylor
National Post

Imagine going through life with a simplistic, binary world view such as the one that Mr. Taylor articulates.

Imagine that amongst ALL the tens of millions of people who live in Canada, there are only two separate divisions - 'the bad people' who receive from government and 'the good people' who pay to the government.

I suppose if you are hold a world view where all things can be reduced to 'The GOOD' and 'The BAD' ... 'Heaven' and 'Hell' ... 'Right' and 'Wrong' - then it is possible to accept what Mr. Taylor is advocating.

Such a world view is childish at best, idiotic at worst.

It's time for Conservative minded people to grow up and stop acting and thinking like bloody 9 year olds.

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