"What Do They Want, Highways Or Health Care?"
Dan D'Autremont, MLA
Sask Party Gov't House Leader
After some of the worst budget errors in the history of Saskatchewan, and short on cash and creative ideas, the governing Sask Party is obviously feeling some stress out in the rural constituencies that they represent. Government House Leader, Dan D'Autremont is being criticised far and wide for a little temper tantrum he had with the very people he represents.
"Responding to the closure of long-term care and respite beds in Wawota and criticism from local residents over his lack of action on the file, D’Autremont – also the Wall government House Leader – is quoted in the Moosomin World-Spectator as saying, “People complained about the highways and now they’re complaining about these beds. Which do they want, highways or health care?”
Official Opposition News Release
Mr. D'Autremont was first elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature in 1991 as a Progressive Conservative MLA in Grant Devine's caucus. When the Conservatives changed their name to 'the Saskatchewan Party', Mr. D'Autremont joined them. He is viewed as an extremely uncooperative House Leader who has a penchant for heavy handed 'motions of closure' to jam unpopular Sask Party legislation through the House.
"Dale Easton, chair of Wawota’s Save Our Beds Committee, said his group plans to keep fighting to reopen the beds. [...} He singled out D’Autremont, whose riding includes Wawota, for criticism. “The man is very unintelligent,” he said. “In our opinion, people should not re-elect the man. He refuses to return our phone calls. He won’t do anything for us. He doesn’t deserve to be our MLA.”
-Sask Party Closes Hospital Beds - World Spectator
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"What Do They Want - Highways Or Health Care?" - Saskatchewan Party Gov't House Leader

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