"Indeed in this country, there are two groups of people. In fact, some would call these groups the haves and the have-nots. This is an not inaccurate way of describing it, but those that would might have the two switched. Canadians form two groups: those that receive from the government and those that pay to the government."
Stephen Taylor
National Post
Imagine going through life with a simplistic, binary world view such as the one that Mr. Taylor articulates.
Imagine that amongst ALL the tens of millions of people who live in Canada, there are only two separate divisions - 'the bad people' who receive from government and 'the good people' who pay to the government.
I suppose if you are hold a world view where all things can be reduced to 'The GOOD' and 'The BAD' ... 'Heaven' and 'Hell' ... 'Right' and 'Wrong' - then it is possible to accept what Mr. Taylor is advocating.
Such a world view is childish at best, idiotic at worst.
It's time for Conservative minded people to grow up and stop acting and thinking like bloody 9 year olds.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Simplistic World View That Resides In The Conservative Mind

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