The long-lasting highly publicized raging debate concerning abortion in America and embryonic stem cell research has always been an issue shrouded deep within political, religious and scientific borders. Sentiments run deep between the scientific and religious communities, and most players in the political arena remain split down the middle, swaying heavily and forcefully to one side or the other. It's a topic which is often brought up, but rarely addressed. Well, it's time to raise the question, "Is Abortion big business, and if so is the scientific community involved?"
We will begin this discussion with the Dickey Amendment (also known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment) which was passed by Congress in 1995 and signed into law by Bill Clinton. The Dickey Amendment prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from using appropriated funds for the creation of human embryos for research purposes or for research in which human embryos are destroyed. This law was set in place to ease tensions between pro-life, pro-choice and scientific communities.
On March 9, 2009, President Barack Obama signed an executive order which removed the restriction against federal funding of stem cell research. This allows federal funds to be used for research on cell lines created from human embryos of discarded infertility treatments and abortions.

Many people argue against the case, stating that the removal of restrictions will not impact the use of embryonic stem cells from aborted fetuses due to procedure costs, transportation and equipment issues. Yet the fact remains, the removal of restrictions put in place by the Dickey Amendment opens the door to the harvesting of stem cells from aborted fetuses.
Now, many medical professionals and representatives of planned parenthood will tell you the fetuses are discarded as medical waste; that they are strained, examined and put into a biohazard containment system to be destroyed by a medical waste facility. This is not always the case. Many groups claim doctors change abortion procedures and harm living babies in order to obtain “perfect” cell samples. Other groups claim certain doctors encourage the sale of fetuses and late term abortion.
You may ask why i brought planned parenthood into this. It's simple, planned parenthood is directly tied to the abortion policy, and outlook of this country. Planned parenthood also directly profits from the business of abortion.
Here are a few quick points.
1. A woman named Carol Everett, who once owned and operated four successful abortion clinics said, "If a girl decides to carry her baby to term, clinics don't make any money. They only make money if she has an abortion. So, inevitably, clinics put pressure on women to abort."
2. Margaret Sanger founded planned parenthood. She also published articles from Adolf Hitler's director of eugenic sterilization, Ernst Rudin, and created "The Negro Project," a strategy for eliminating the black population.
3. Nita Whitten, who once worked in an abortion clinic says she was trained by a professional marketing firm on how to sell abortions over the phone. Nita says, "when a girl calls, the object isn't to help her; it's to 'make the sale."
4. Abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry.
5. After an abortion, the girl is given free birth-control pills. Since the girl is on the pill, she's more likely to be sexually active, but young people forget to take their birth control pills consistently. In turn, there's a good chance the girl will return to the clinic pregnant again. Abortion is a big business that uses dirty marketing tactics.

Now, on to the issue of stem cell research. It is openly known that scientist have used aborted fetuses for stem cell research. In most documented cases the aborted fetuses have been donated in early stage pregnancies, but this does not rule out the idea of discarded fetuses being used without being donated. The business of selling human organs, body parts, and eggs has been going on for decades in this country. Stem cells have been known to cure and eliminate thousands of ailments and diseases, making them extremely valuable. In turn, many doctors, aristocrats and scientist end up trafficking human organs and embryonic stem cells. Black-market stem cell clinics have popped up all over the world recently charging patients as much as $50,000 per session.
Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) introduced The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2009 to Congress which will allow for the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research permanently, codifying the federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research into law. This would open the door to full blown embryo farms which could be created for stem cell research.
He never brings up the military implications
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