
Friday, July 9, 2010

Cure for HIV? Scientists Discover Antibodies that Kill 90% Of HIV Strains

VRC01 and VRC02 AIDS
American scientists have found two key proteins that neutralize 91 percent of the HIV virus' 190 strains.(1) Could this be a cure for HIV. An unidentified African-American mans body produced the antibodies, called VRC01 and VRC02. Scientists have already identified the 12 cells in his body which create the proteins.(2) Researchers seem to have found a weakness on the surface of the human immunodeficiency virus.(3) "The antibodies attach to a virtually unchanging part of the virus, and this explains why they can neutralize such an extraordinary range of HIV strains," Dr. John Mascola, one of the study researchers, released in an earlier statement.

Now the group is working on developing a working HIV vaccine. Scientists need to isolate the specific area of the virus which the antibodies latch onto, then create a vaccine with it and train the body to produce VRC01 and VRC02.


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