The issue concerning the use of antibiotics in farm feed has been brought to light once again. On Wednesday July 14th, at a hearing for the Energy and Commerce subcommittee, Dr. John Clifford (a representative of the United States Department of Agriculture) (USDA) admitted the use of antibiotics in animal feed is contributing to antibiotic resistance in the United States.
Clifford, Deputy Administrator for the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said the USDA believes the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture leads to cases of resistance in humans.
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Principle Deputy Commissioner of the FDA, stated in his testimony that "evidence supports the conclusion that using antibiotics for production purposes in livestock farming is not in the interest of protecting and promoting public health."
Dr. Ali Khan, Assistant Surgeon General and Deputy Director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), also testified inciting compelling evidence concerning the use of antibiotics in farm animals and public health.
The USDA is finally admitting there is a link between the use of antibiotics in farm animals and human drug resistance. We'll just have to wait and see if they actually do anything about it this time.
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