What does the newly passed health-care bill have to do with skull and bones?
March 22nd, yes, March 22nd. This date holds quite an interesting story. This date correlates with the skull and bones secret society signature of "322" 322=3/22=march 22nd.
So, let's take a look at what has occured on this specific date in the past.
1. March 22nd, (322) is the sacred number of the Skull and Bones, Skull and bones is a secret society from Yale which has produced multitudes of powerful influential world leaders .
2. The Georgia Guidestones were christened on March 22,(322)1980. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The stone also claims the world population should never climb to 500 million. The Georgia Guidestones were created in 1980 by a secretive man named R.C. Christian. The name R. C. Christian is a pseudonym (no one actually knows who R.C. Christian was, or at least no one will talk about it) Some believe this pseudonym signifies the Rosicrucian order which has had relations with skull and bones for over 100 years.

3. March 22nd 2010 (322) is the day the Health Care bill finally passed in the U.S. (Universal Time is Greenwich Mean Time. This is the 'time' the Illuminati use, writes Jay Weidner)
4. March 22nd (322) is the first day of Aries (also called mars) This is significant because March is the only month named after a planet and the first day of spring.
5. In the book "mystery of the cathedrals" by Fulcanelli, he describes a secret science called alchemy which only the highest elite aristocracy understands. He continues to explain the alchemy and claim that all alchemy begins in Aries. (Mars)
In conclusion, the health care bill was passed on the sacred day of March 22nd (322). Let's not forget how important this bill is and what it could possibly mean if it's actually a part of the new world order agenda. The vote was actually pushed back multiple times during March 21st, resulting in a late vote March 22nd. Was this deliberate? Here is another small piece of history concerning March 22nd.
6. On March 22nd 1765, The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act which introduced a tax to be levied directly on the American colonies.
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