The state plans to file an expedited appeal. Parts of the immigration law were blocked by District Judge Susan Bolton. One of these key parts which was blocked concerns the issue of law enforcement officials being able to ask suspects for proper papers. Bolton also suspended parts of the law requiring individuals to carry proof of their status. Another key part Bolton suspended concerns the issue of Illegal Immigrants looking for work, it is no longer illegal.
The legislation was signed into law in April by Brewer who has argued that it's needed to battle a tide of illegal immigrants flooding into the state. "I will battle all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, for the right to protect the citizens of Arizona," Brewer said. The governor claims the federal government has done nothing to help and basically refuses to help fix the situation, so Arizona has had to take the matter into their own hands. The Obama administration argues that the responsibility for immigration policy lies with the federal government. This clearly is not the case though if you ask me. Is this a ruling against states rights?
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