
Friday, November 20, 2009

Giuliani running for senate/eyeing White House 2012

giuliani Following earlier reports that former New York City mayor and Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani had decided not to enter the 2010 governor's race comes word that he has decided to run for senate instead.

While Giuliani's spokeswoman is denying that he has made up his mind about which race, if any, to enter, sources tell the New York daily news that Giuliani has been telling people he "plans to run against Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in 2010 to fill out the remaining two years of Hillary Clinton's term."Giuliani, dubbed "America's Mayor" in the wake of 9/11, ran a failed campaign for senate in 2000 against Hillary Clinton. The former mayor was forced to withdraw from the race following a series of revelations including an extramarital affair and his being diagnosed with prostate cancer. This personally bothers me because I know Giuliani is nothing more than a mere puppet for the puppetmasters of the New World Order.


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