
Friday, November 20, 2009

Newly elected (EU) President Herman Van Rompuy (Bilderberg Member) confirms New World Order

Europe's eight-year quest to establish a simpler and more democratic regime came to a dramatic climax when the Belgian prime minister, Herman Van Rompuy (Bilderberg Member), and the British peer Cathy Ashton were appointed as the two top officials embodying the new system.

Van Rompuy, a Flemish Christian Democrat who had been Belgium's prime minister for less than a year, became president of the council – the first permanent leader who will chair EU summits and represent the bloc abroad. Despite two weeks of dispute among EU governments over how to share out the posts, a consensus was reached quickly at a special summit dinner last night. But questions will be raised about the pair's relative inexperience, and neither will be able to stand alongside the US, Russian or Chinese leaders as peers and equals. That was the central British argument in favour of appointing Blair, but it cut little ice with mainstream Europeans, who wanted a low-profile president who would focus on streamlining the work of European summits, promoting compromise and consensus. Here is a video of herman van rompuy discussing a new world order.


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