
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Terry Bradshaw's Got Some Splainin' To Do

There are few things that are certain in this world, with the most famous two being death and taxes. Anything in Sports doesn't fall into that category because when the stars align just right, something like the "Miracle On Ice" can take place. Well, Terry Bradshaw didn't seem to think that was the case, and it was humanly impossible for the Bengals to beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh this last Sunday. How sure was he? Well let's go back and take a look....

Oops. I think it's safe to say that the majority of Football fans thought that the Steelers would win, but it's not like the Bengals are the 1976 Buccaneers. You can probably expect an apology from Terry on Sunday, Cincinnati.

Terry Bradshaw Guarantees Steelers Win (Outside The Boxscore)


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